A very complicated transaction involving a downtown property on Main Street and two prominent local companies has been completed for $650,000. As Daily Report first reported in May, the transaction was facilitated by Walk-On’s Enterprises, which had outgrown its 4,500-square-foot property at 460 Main St. that it had rented for years from H & E Properties. Walk-On’s has since moved its headquarters to a more than 7,000-square-foot space at 232 Third St. Level Construction, meanwhile, has also outgrown its 3,500-square-foot space at 450 Main St., which is next door to the former Walk-On’s headquarters. Level has now purchased the former Walk-On’s headquarters for $650,000, or about $154 per square foot, according to Mike Stinson with Saurage Rotenberg Real Estate, who brokered the transaction. “There were a lot of moving parts, trying to get more space for both Walk-On’s and Level Construction, both of which wanting to be downtown, but we were able to work it out to everyone’s satisfaction,” says Stinson. The building has been renovated, but Level Construction will do additional improvements to accommodate its rapidly-expanding construction company, Stinson says. The purchase does not include any off-street parking. “It was a very good quality building that met Level’s need to expand,” says Stinson.
Level Construction, Walk-On’s complete deal for downtown property
August 13, 2014 by